
Entries About Linkies Stuff

Annyeong Haseyo!~ This blog belonged to Scha Yumi. No spamming, ripping and vulgarities is allowed in here. Don't be a silent reader, tag before you leave, it'll be greatly appreciated! Enjoy your stay! :D Gamsahamnida ^^ Annyeong~

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Template: Nurul AtiQah
Basecodes: Ainabillah Shafie

Nananitchiepie's hellohello!

  Wohhooooiii!~ Scha mau join mini kontest from Nazihah nih :)) Tanpa melengahkan masa, Aku nak jawab soalan yang diberi olehnya. Hihihi :DD

1.Daripada Nazihah start blogging, berapa kali dia tukar template?
- Saye start view blog Nazihah masa tuh dea kata dea guna denim. And now dea guna Minima. So, dea dah tukar 3 kali template lah kot. Heee :DD

2.Apa freebies yang saya baru buat?
- Sebelum ni dia buat freebies ,Background Multiple colours :) Tapi, saye rasa freebies latest dia buat freebies misai :DD Mostache. Macam ai pakai sekarang lah :) Ce tengok , ce tengok :)

3.Bagaimana cara sebutan Nananitchiepie? (contohnya, cara sebutan Nazihah -> Na-Zee-Hah )
- Na-na-nit-chie-pie

Tarikh tutup esok :DD \Cepatnyaa/. For more information click sini :)